Friday, December 30, 2011


its a movie worth buying. I am indifferent to name calling preference <3

Stealing is not in my nature. I simply do not believe that information should be purchased. Entertainment should be purchased but information is free. Movies are a different deal. I steal movies because there is no respectably strong theater. 40 dollars to go to the theater and eat [lame] and for real

for real. I buy all my leisure books =) Hunger games, awesome.

Most of my music I also do not buy. Just like movies I could but I do not. Often I do not listen to the music more than a few times. Movies as well. I usually feel empty. Some movies could be worth paying for. Most things are worth paying for but then I counter saying

"I work out in the rain, hard, painful work. I make less than 3k a month. Why should actors, who in my opinion do not work hard, filled with pain, make SO MUCH MORE MONEY than I do?"

Not a rational fight here at this time in society.
Actors, sports affiliates/players, movie stars all seem to earn incredible amounts of money for doing very little work and supporting a system of propaganda that ignores real world problems and diverts attention to loops of garbage that helps us forget we are destroying each other and this planet with a copacetic ignorance that makes me sick

I can rant forever. So many silly things abound.

We need to stop killing eachother. We need to stop focus crops based on addictions like chocolate nicotine cocain heroin etc. Small amounts are good, we need more food. We need every man and woman driven to improve the planet

Will never happen. I am surrounded by school children pretending to be adults. All violence is childish and beneath ME. I would love to see all farmers go hydroponic. I would love to see city's go underground instead of suffocating the surface. I would love to see massive Ocean driven power plants replace nuclear/coal/oil/river power generation. There are so many prudent responsible actions that we as a species ignore that I try my best to forget and just go back to work.

How can I wake up and sway an entire planet of brainwashed drama addicted monkeys pretending to be civilized cultivated Jones's?

I can't.


On the small scale I am in love. I have strong income and low bills. I have growing savings and a full checking account. I have so many loving supportive friends and family. I have so many things to be thankful for! I eat well work well sleep well.

Life is good in the small view. Better than ever!

It is good to share.

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